Free crash scene management workshop for motorcyclists in Northamptonshire
Booking is now open for a free event designed to help motorcyclists stay safe on the county’s roads.
The event will take place on Saturday 17 April at Mereway Fire Station in Northampton, from 10am to 1pm. Northamptonshire Fire & Rescue officers, Police casualty reduction officers and forensic collision investigators will be on hand to educate motorbike riders in road safety and how to stay safe if a crash occurs.
The workshop will include a practical session involving a replica crash scene, complete with a motorcycle and car, where fire and rescue officers will show how a person is extricated from a vehicle.
Also included in the session will be practical first aid advice specific to trauma scenes. Casualty Reduction Liaison Officer and Police motorcyclist, PC Steve Harris said: “The day is all about equipping motorcyclists and pillions with the skills and experience to cope with the trauma of a crash scene, be it their friends or a stranger’s.
“By knowing how to cope in such circumstances, not only will they have the potential able to save someone’s life but they will also become confident to guide others in similar situations.”
PC Harris continues: “Unfortunately we have seen a rise in the number of motorcyclists and pillion riders killed on our roads in Northamptonshire from two in 2008 to seven in 2009.
“We recognise that riders are not solely responsible for motorbike collisions, and may be the innocent victims of other drivers’ careless actions, however riders are far more vulnerable to serious injuries if a crash occurs.
“We would urge riders to book a place on the free session as it could help to save a life.”
A maximum of 15 places are available on the free workshop for people over the age of 18, living in Northamptonshire, who hold a full motorcycle driving licence.
laces are allocated on a first come first served basis and applicants are advised to apply early. To apply email: