DVLA lost my bike entitlement

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My Dad wanted me to take my test when I was 18 and he paid for my lessons. We lost him in 1978 so to fulfill my promise to him, I took my test in October 1979.

Since then, my address has been changed with DVLA many times. On the old style licence I had my full entitlement.

Since the new style licence came on the scene things have got a lot worse. I never took much notice at first but when I did the address thing the last time, I noticed they had left off bike entitlement.

I told the DVLA and was told they dont make mistakes like that, and I will have to take ALL the test parts again.

WHY OH WHY should I have to go and pay nearly £1500 for something I already got – and I cant afford it.

I even e-mailed the Minister for Transport and he didnt even have the respect to acknowlage receipt of the bloody e-mail.

Something has to be done about this ripoff goverment department. I have enjoyed many many years and miles on the road.

Some of which have actually been illegal due to these stupid errors.


Reader's article

By Uandus7