New Biker Cool Vest
This is one of the strangest looking, but weirdly well-performing products we’ve seen in a while.
It’s from a manufacture called Jackson Technical Solutions and it’s used by members of the police force and used on police dogs to keep them cool.
The vest uses heat transfer formula technology – this enables the wearer to benefit from constant temperature cooling, regardless of the temperature or application.
The technology means that there are none of the side effects associated with ice and gels, no freezer burn or frost bite, no vasoconstriction or potential soft tissue damage.
The cool vests are claimed to be so comfortable to wear they can be worn directly against the skin with no ill effects, and they can be worn over light clothing.
The Biker vest is an all-in-one with adjustable shoulder and waist straps.
The vest is set at a constant 25°C temperature.
The vest also comes with a three year guarantee and retails at £139.95.
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