Westminster council uses the name of motorcycle groups in vain

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As you may or may not know, Westminster Council have on a number of occasions used British Motorcyclists Federation (BMF), Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) and Motorcycle Parking names in vain, Westminster Council have stated that they had had an “extensive consultation” which those organisations which is not true since they have always been against motorcycle parking charges, in order to justify the parking tax, Danny Chalkley has frequently referred to those organisations to back up his support for the charge, again these are lies towards his own colleagues and other Westminster Councillors. Danny Chalkley has no support not even from his own Shadow Roads Minister, Robert Goodwill who said yesterday “The fee set by Westminster is £1.50p as I understand it. Please note that this is not a policy set by the Conservative Party nationally but a local policy decided by Westminster councillors. I hope that this will not be replicated widely“. ~ Best wishes, Robert Goodwill MP, Shadow Roads Minister, MP for Scarborough and Whitby.

The full statements.

Westminster City Council website amended 24th Feb 2009…We wonder why?

The key difference is that WCC have withdrawn claims that they they had an “extensive dialogue” or consulted with BMF & MAG, and M/C Parking. Now they merely claim to have “discussed” the scheme and sent out statutory letters – which on a scheme as controversial as this may not have constituted due and proper consultation. BEFORE: 20 Feb 2009 11:11:44 GMT [Source] What consultation was carried out? The decision to introduce motorcycling parking charges was made after an extensive dialogue with a number of major motorcycle groups. In 2007 we consulted with Motorcycle Action Group (MAG), British Motorcyclists Federations (BMF) and Motorcycle Parking. We also sent statutory consultation letters to 60 ward councillors, 25 local resident associations, 15 statutory bodies and local businesses informing them of the charging scheme and offering the opportunity to comment. The consultation process is ongoing and we will be carrying out further occupancy surveys in the first quarter of 2009. AFTER: 24th Feb 2009 14:14:00 GMT [Source] What consultation was carried out? The decision to introduce motorcycling parking charges was made following surveys and consultations in 2006 and the shape the scheme took followed meetings with a number of major motorcycle groups. In 2007 we discussed the scheme with Motorcycle Action Group (MAG), British Motorcyclists Federations (BMF) and Motorcycle Parking. We also sent statutory consultation letters to 60 ward councillors, 25 local resident associations, 15 statutory bodies and local businesses informing them of the charging scheme and offering the opportunity to comment. The consultation process is ongoing and we will be carrying out further occupancy surveys in the first quarter of 2009. Comments of course are welcome! Why not join us on the next demonstration, this Saturday 28th Feb 2009, 10am, full details here:


Reader's article

By ojosef