Helimed Rideout for Wales Air Ambulance 22 Aug 09

On behalf of Helimed Rideout may I invite riders to visit our new website, which is up and running at www.helimedrideout.co.uk.

For those who have already visited there have been some changes, namely that through the “Join us” tab you can download the routes.

Folk are invited to join us wherever they like and as some people have reported problems with the Paypal link, you can pay the (recommended minimum sponsorship) £10 per bike on the day, via cheque to the PO Box address or, if it works, through the site link.

It’s strongly recommended that those who wish to attend the evening function at Craxton Wood Hotel book a room early as there are a limited number available at the discounted rate for Helimed Rideout bikers.

Their website can be found at http://www.macdonaldhotels.co.uk/craxtonwood or you can ring 0844 879 9038 and quote “Helimed Rideout”.

We’re very much hoping that there will be a MotoGP personality (not a rider, but just as well known) attending the evening but until this is confirmed I don’t want to reveal who.

But you’ll know him if you follow MotoGP! There is also a buffet laid on, a charity auction and a raffle.

The evening is going to cost £6 per person to cover the cost of the food.

Hope to see you there, Many thanks, Helimed Rideout


Reader's article

By MHDarlington