Millau...why not?

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It was a cold damp summer day. We were wondering what to do… “lets go have a look at the bridge in the sky” Kerry and John my riding buddies said…..ok. Within a week we were in Millau. 1546 miles in 4 days.

We saw the bridge, rode over the bridge and had several shandys to celebrate our achievement. We were knackered but what awesome roads. The natives were really friendly as were the local constabulary who clocked us on the auto route ….. lets just say slightly in excess of the legal limit.

They even waved us on to go faster but not wanting to push our luck we rode within the law (for some of the time) anyway. I would advise anyone with a free long weekend to go to Millau. It was “tres excellent” (Fluid in French now) check out our photos.

steve jones

Reader's article

By steve jones