Petition to protect trackdays

How many times have we been told that track days are restricted because some $*%! has just moved next to a race circuit that’s been there for 70 years and has complained to the local council – and got away with it! 

Credit to a guy called Keith Watts who’s started a petition to get a green paper in place that would require any complaints from new residents to be rejected. So if you want to protect our rights to enjoy ourselves and protect us from kill-joys and NIMBY’s then hurry, the cut off is Sept 16th….

The text is as follows….

“We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to introduce a green paper proposing ways, that, where complaints have been instigated by resident(s) against a long standing activity (for example, church bells, sports facility, local airfield and similar), and where residence has been taken up since the start of that activity (providing there has been no significant increase in activity), a presumption should be made to protect the continuation of that activity and reject such complaint.”


Reader's article

By Anonymous