DAS Instructor comments on the new motorcycle test
To add to the debate on the new test, I have been a DAS instructor in Glasgow for the last nine years and the new test has angered myself and every instructor I have spoken with.
Its a classic example of the DSA shutting its eyes to the real problem and wasting money on a lot of sh*te that will not make any difference to riders killing themselves, in my area it will cost lives.
Its a well known fact that most fatalities happen on A-roads so the DSA move the test area into the city?? so there will be no testing on A-roads and most schools will now stop training on these roads, clever eh? I have spoken to police instructors and traffic cops and the general felling is that this new test is a waste of time and money.
Surely it does not take a genius to work out that the best way of doing this is an on-going assesment??? how the hell is an examinar meant to know someone is safe after going round some cones then riding half an hour on the road?? (not to mention NO training/testing on motorways?).
Come on DSA, pull yor heads out of the sand do the right thing and tell the EU to F off. Lets stop the unnecessary loss of life!