The relentless persecution of motorcyclists

I am concerned by your recent article regarding the use (or should that be miss use) of “Section 59 of the Police Reform Act 2002” the proof of this pudding being a miss use would be to find how many other “motorists” have been threatened/issued notices under this act in North Wales.

There should be access to this information under the freedom of information act (no doubt they will try and smoke screen with the official secrets act etc!) but we need to know how many car, van, HGV and PSV drivers have been given such notices or is the target purely motorcyclists?

Not all motorcyclists are innocent as they protest however I patrol the motorway at work and see daily the poor driving, law breaking and although not entirely innocent the percentage of bikers behaving badly is considerably lower than other road users. I ride and have done so in North Wales this year and did not find any animosity personally except for the refusal to acknowledge a fellow biker from the one bike cop I did see.

Unlike Northumberland where all 4 motorcycle cops acknowledged my nod as have the Met and Herts coppers I have seen of late (they are bikers too!). I am not a saint but this arse in North Wales seems to be on a one force crusade to eliminate bikers and biking! Roll on the day he goes.


Reader's article

By Anonymous