GATSO operating illegaly

I am being prosecuted for speeding after the alleged offence was captured on a GATSO.

They say I was doing 38 in a 30 and I denied it. I am defending myself and you can follow the story on

I am now in the final stages of the court procedure and I have received confirmation that the prosecution accepts that the GATSOMETER in the Ditchling Road, Brighton has been operating outside its type approval conditions (ie illegally).

I expect the prosecution to drop the case very soon. This case was “supported” by evidence from the feared prosecution “Dream Team” – RSS limited.

If this goes according to plan, this will be the first case that RSS has supported that has collapsed. Further more there is now official confirmation that the GATSO can malfunction by the admission of the prosecutor of the defence expert’s report.

The sting in the tail is that if the gatsometer has been malfunctioning in operation – how many of the other people issued with fines were wrongly fined?

The time frame is June 2007. This could be another “Chideock” and certainly dents the claims by the camera partnerships of equipment “infallibility”.


Reader's article

By Anonymous