The police really are anti-motorcycle

I had a very interesting conversation/debate yesterday with two of our illustrious boys in blue and it became very apparent very early in the conversation that they really are anti-motorcycle

From the arguments that they were putting forward it was clear as far as they were concerned that we as a group are the problem on the roads and car drivers apparently could do no wrong.

As is usual with these conversations it wasn’t long before the lies and statistics were being thrown my way. You know the ones, how we make up a certain percentage of the traffic and how many accidents we are involved in.

Needless to say when It was pointed out that the majority of these accidents were either single vehicle accidents or a result of those biscuit tin drivers pulling out on us it was ignored or twisted so we appeared as the devils own!

What really got my goat was the fact that I was basically told I was irresponsible because I rode a motorcycle, especially as I was a family man!

‘Doesn’t this thought ever creep into your head?’ I was asked. So now the police have become another extension of this Stalinist state and are trying to tell us how to live our lives! The thougt police!

But the last little gem I was confronted with was how can your boy racer hooning around in the 30mph limits at warp factor 3 be any worse than a motorcyclist  riding at 80mph in a national speed limit zone?

This I could not believe! I’m afraid it just reinforced what a lot of people think – they go after the easy target!


Reader's article

By gixxer750k3