Solve the conjestion problem, ban all cars

I am not one of these Sunday morning blast bikers, don’t quite see the appeal. I have plenty else to be doing with my time.

However, I hate that rush hour traffic so I commute daily the 30 mile round trip on my bike. Sometimes the M27 car park lives up to its name, other times it would be just as quick in my car.

Overall, by the time I have leathered up and de leathered it is probably slower by bike. But you can’t beat the bike its like flying, you just don’t take off.

I love getting to the front off the lights every time and being first away, you can’t do that in a car. And you can’t do 140 in a car on the motorway without a high performance beast and a lot of room (so I’ve been told).

I do an average 10k a year on my commute, You plebs sitting in your cars doing that, where’s the fun in that. Give me my bike any day.

Any one want to buy a 50k R1 ? 2 careful owners………. GIXER beckons.

Phil Reeves

Reader's article

By Phil Reeves