shopper or robber?!

I recently went into a tesco store wearing my helmet, after paying for my shopping I was told that in future if I entered the store with my helmet on I would be refused service, for security reasons on the grounds that i could be an armed robber because i wore a helmet and my face was covered.

I asked what would happen if a muslim person entered the store with their face covered, would they be served? initially the cashier refused to answer but when i insisted on the grounds that in future i would be coming into the store with a veil on and needed to know if i would be served she said she would serve me with my face covered with a veil (i am in no way racist by the way).

I emailed tesco concerning their policy telling them i was a forensic student and this was of interest to me (I am a forensic student). I received an email back which said, that because of security helmets are not allowed but due to religious reasons veils were. when i emailed them back to say that veils were a lifestyle choice, and don’t they think they are victimising people who wear helmets they refused to say any more on the matter. If i was a muslim who was refused service because of their face being covered you can imagine the outcry from the pc brigade, but because i wear a helmet it seems ok to victimise me! how many more stores do the same. wouldn’t it be good to put them to the test?


Reader's article

By Anonymous