You attack us on daytime tv - and don't expect us to attack back?!

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The public display Fiona Phillips did on TV was out of line. I doubt she’ll have got more than a slap on the wrist for it either.

If she wants to attack a LARGE community of people on national tele then she can’t expect anything but to get threats and complaints from those people. Theres one of her and hundreds of thousands of us.

If we’re all such bad drivers/riders why is it that a large number of us go to advanced training with the police and other schemes? I dont know of any that the police endorse for boyracers and the like. None of the car drivers bother with them anyway, why do they need to after all they only plod along the motorway at 90-100 with the stereo playing, mobile phone in hand, applying lipstick, but its all ok since they have SIP, airbags and a nice safe crumple zone.

The only crumple zone for us is our face. Why is it there’s so many adverts for car drivers to be bike aware if they’re so good at driving? I never have a problem noticing a fellow rider, or a car, or a lorry, infact if it’s on the road its plain to see for all and somehow I’ve never had a car or bike suddenly drop out of the sky and appear along side me.

It’s only that way for car drivers as they have so little attention to whats going on outside of there metal bubble. If they bothered to use the mirrors that come standard on every vehicle they would find that we drive up behind them just like anything else. Not teleport behind them on full beam.

Its not that we ride on full beam either, our headlights are around eye level to a car driver. If anyone wanted to blind car drivers we’d simply ride alongside to an open window and poke you in the eye.

If all the readers of MCN were to send in letters or emails to GMTV complaining about the bimbo then she’d no doubt have to make a public apology, or get fired. Dont worry, Super Jesta Hobbit will protect us…


Reader's article

By Jesta