Secure parking for motorbikes in Edinburgh!

I sent the following letter to Edinburgh Council:

I’ve lived in Edinburgh since 2000 and we’ve seen resident’s parking introduced into our area, which has good & bad points – we actually lost several car-spaces when the road was re-marked for resident/pay & display spaces. Spaces that are now being wasted/not benefiting anyone/not improving road usage for anyone!

What might be a good idea is if you were to make some of these spaces available for Solo Motorcycle use and put in a metal bar that motorcyclists could secure their bikes to – like there are on George Street.

In this day & age of trying to encourage “Green” living, making it a better town for motorcyclists, more secure to leave motorbikes parked would be a brilliant idea when motorcycles are a much more environmentally friendly way of getting round town!

If everyone who would benefit gets in touch with their local council, local politician, newspapers etc. we might just see some improvements that will benefit the majority of 2 wheeled road users!


Reader's article

By Anonymous