Not insured for that, sorry!

Having recently purcahsed a Honda CB1300 and wanting to show it off a bit and familiarise myself with it after using a Yamaha XJR1300 for so long I took the decision to participate in a Christmas charity toy run on behalf of Bradford Gingerbread for single parent families.

Nothing complicated in that I thought. How wrong could I have been?

Coincidentally, I am also a traffic cop and am therefore well aware of the pitfalls of insurance loop holes and exclusions.

I have my Honda insured through Bennetts and I noted that one of the standard exclusions is taking part in a rally.

Out of curiousity I contacted Bennetts for advice and explained the purpose of the gathering, explaining that I would be making my own way to a starting point and then would ride with a number of other motorcyclists a distance of approximately 12 miles to the finishing point where I would ultimately make my own way home.

Bennetts sought advice on this matter and subsequently advised me that the event, despite being for a charity fundraiser rather than a protest, would amount to a rally and therefore if I participated I would not be insured.

This to me sounded a little harsh and in light of what I was advised I had to withdraw from the charity ride rather than risk being uninsured.

Is this something other motocyclists have experienced? As I can envisage situations where different insurance companies will apply a different interpretation upon the word rally and allow their customers to take part in such activities.


Reader's article

By Borngen_biker