More MCN readers hit by Speed Ferries ban

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More MCN readers have contacted us to say the first they knew about their cross channel ferry tickets being cancelled is when they read it in MCN.

Two weeks ago MCN broke the news that the firm were refusing to take bikes across the Channel due to the increasing number of claims for bikes damaged in transit, and on April 26, we revealed how MCN reader Stuart Matthews got in touch with Speed Ferries following our story, only to be told his booking was cancelled, with no compensations and no alternative, yet was still receiving advertising emails.
Other readers have now contacted us to tell their own tales of Speed Ferries inefficiency, like Gary Winch who said: “Thank God for MCN. After I read your article I thought: ‘That’s funny, I haven’t heard anything from them so I phoned up Speed Ferries and they confirmed my booking had been cancelled. To add insult to injury they said I could take my car instead – it’s a bike holiday!”

Readers Sara Baker and Robert Watkins both e-mailed MCN to say that after their bookings were cancelled by Speed Ferries they got in touch with P&O and saved themselves £14.

MCN reader Steve Chapman only found out that his booking had been cancelled when he bought himself a new bike and wanted to change the registration number on his booking, otherwise he fears he might not have found out until it was too late.

Deborah Cameron from Speed Ferries said: “We ran a staggered e-mail campaign. Hopefully by next Wednesday, to the best of my knowledge, all of our customers will have been informed. It’s just unfortunate timing since we’ve just moved offices from Denmark to Dover – it’s bad timing.”

Tom Rayner

By Tom Rayner