Ladyman speaks out against anti-bike bill

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Stephen Ladyman has emailed MCN voicing his opposition to a Bill requiring all non road-going bikes be road legal and display number plates.

The Roads Minister opposed MP Graham Stringer’s off road registration Bill in the House of Commons on March 2 but contacted MCN to reiterate his position to motorcyclists.

He said: “I can assure you I made my opposition and the Government’s opposition to Mr Stringer’s Bill known at second reading… The police already have the powers they need and a registration system is more likely to impact on the law abiding rather than the lawless.”

Stringer’s Bill is intended to clamp down on illegal and anti-social mini moto riders but it makes no distinction for legitimate non road-going bikes. It gives police powers to destroy all machines that aren’t road registered with a number plate, including all race bikes, track bikes, unregistered classic bikes and any old wreck you might have in the shed. Converting bikes to road legal standard will cost thousands for many machines and be impossible for others. Many priceless classic race bikes would face destruction.

Having passed the second reading in parliament, the Bill now enters the committee stage, in which it can be amended to make exclusions for certain types of bikes. MPs can also still vote against it at its third reading.

Ladyman said: “What happens now partly will depend on Mr Stringer’s attitude to amendments in committee and the attitude of other MPs to the Bill that emerges from committee. I will continue to do my part to ensure that all these issues are known to MPs when they come to vote… It is important that motorcyclists make their views known to their own MP directly.”

The current issue of MCN features a cut-out-and-sign letter for you to send to your local MP. See next week’s paper for an update on the Bill.

Steve Farrell

By Steve Farrell