Riders use petition power

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Two petitions to give us exemption from road pricing and freedom to use bus lanes have gained over 7000 signatures between them. 

MCN’S petition to the Prime Minister demanding exemption from planned pay-as-you go style road pricing has 2,500 signatures. You’ve got until April 13 to add your name online at the Number 10 website.

The bus lane petition has 4,500 signatures with four months to go.

Ten local authorities have been asked to plan pilot road pricing schemes for next year before a national system is devised. A national scheme which charges motorcyclists could require bikes to be fitted with satellite tracking devices which monitor road use.

Our petition says: ‘We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to exempt motorcycles from proposed road pricing. Motorcycles are a non-congesting mode of transport. As such, subjecting riders of motorcycles to charges intended to reduce congestion is counterproductive.’

The bus lane petition says: ‘We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Allow the use of “Bus Only” lanes by scooters and motorcyles throughout the UK.’
Sign them now at petitions.pm.gov.uk/MCNroadpricing and petitions.pm.gov.uk/bikesinbuslanes

Steve Farrell

By Steve Farrell