Fixing the yellow-ring road

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By day Brian Hollingworth is a preacher who delivers sermons in his local church, but at night he becomes the yellow Pimpernel who’s trying to improve Huddersfield’s roads.

The 69-year old was so sick of the amount of potholes in his local area that he decided to do something about it.

So armed with four cans of yellow paint, Brian went on a three-night assault to spray a yellow ring around every pothole he could find – in total highlighting 150 dangerous road surfaces in his area.

He said, “The roads in Huddersfield are absolutely appalling. They are regularly called the worst in Britain and I was worried the suspension was going in my car.”
And the Grandfather of five said he would have continued his alter-ego work but he had run out of money for the paint.

And as a result of Brain’s work, within days the local council was repairing the potholes with a yellow ring round them.

Kirklees council has said they were not shamed into fixing the potholes marked by Brian and that it was a coincidence that the repair began after he had struck.

Rob Hull

By Rob Hull