Cops' priorities

How do the traffic cops expect any respect when they carry on like this: Every year on the way to the ferry for the North West 200 from Stranraer there they are standing in some lay-by pulling in every bike for a stop check for reg plates and road tax (these things are a real danger on our roads, eh?) as the motorists drive by on their mobile phones. All the while I’m getting nicked for having a legal size plate with nice fancy minstrel letters on it…

I’m not complaining about getting nicked, I’m complaining about being stopped for nothing. Everyone who gets stopped like this should complain. If they were following me and stopped me then fair dues but this crap is out of order.

My brother was with me on his bike and his reg plate is not legal size and has carbon-fibre letters and they never said a thing. He must have got the good cop.

Thomas Rutherford

Reader's article

By Thomas Rutherford