Simpsons Movie: Homer jumps Springfield Gorge on a bike

Trailers for the long-awaited Simpsons movie are all over the internet – and after hours of tireless research, MCN has found the footage of Homer jumping Springfield Gorge on a motorcycle.
The scene isn’t shown complete – the action is interspersed with other action from the movie – but it is clear that Homer and Bart are riding a cruiser-style motorcycle, which falls from the sky onto the giant ‘P’ of the Springfield sign, firing them down a hill towards the Springfield Gorge.
The bike jumps of the edge of the gorge, propelling the bike up and over. It’s not clear if they make the jump – but the trajectory of the jump suggests they might make it.
Homer has jumped the gorge on a skateboard before, but failed to jump far enough and was left injured. With Bart onboard, it’s unlikely the film’s creators would allow the jump to end in a big crash.
The film is released on July 27 in the US and UK.