Robbie Maddison dedicates new world record jump attempt to Knievel

By Ben Purvis
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In an email, stunt rider Robbie Maddison has said his forthcoming world record attempt will be dedicated to Evel Knievel.
See the email text below:
After returning to the U.S. from Australia where I was promoting my upcoming record jump attempts, I had sadly learned of the passing of the man who originally inspired me, Robert Craig “Evel” Knievel.

He captivated me as a child and has lead me to live my life jumping my motorcycle. As sad as his passing is I know he was in a lot of pain and was fighting both diabetes and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. It’s comforting to know he is not living in pain anymore, but I’m deeply saddened by the news of his death.

My upcoming world record jump attempt on New Year’s Eve in Las Vegas, where I will jump a football field on my motorcycle, is dedicated to Evel Knievel.

Thank you for the inspiration, R.I.P

-Robbie Maddison




Ben Purvis

By Ben Purvis