Thanks from Durham Police

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We had our third Easter Egg Run on Sunday and the turn out was fantastic.

Tesco’s in Durham, who are very pro police/biker allowed us to assemble in their car park.

We then travelled to Darlington and Durham Hospitals to deliver eggs, before coming back to our HQ where we provide refreshments and put on a roadshow.

Thanks to MCN promoting the event.

We have gone from 100 bikes our first year, 300 bikes in our second, to 525 bikes this year……

It was a fantastic site, from ‘L’ riders on scooters to vintage / veteran machinery with a few customs ‘chucked in’ for good measure.

Riding was as usual, impeccable and a lot of people were out on the route taking pictures and video and generally enjoying the site.

We were assisted by a couple of Cleveland Police bikes this year and once again by the observers from our Durham Advanced Motorcyclists who were brilliant.

Money was raised by the bikers on the day for the Air Ambulance (£270) and Meningitis Research (£200 plus) and we also have enough eggs left to donate to another hospital and three special needs schools in Durham (when they come back from holidays).

Car drivers who were stopped to allow us past were even giving money to DAM observers when they realized what the run was for.

A great day for biking in the North East but also a great opportunity for us (Police) to deliver a valuable message at the start of the biking ‘season’.

Sadly two female bikers were killed last week in Northumbria and we have had serious bike accidents in Cumbria and North Yorkshire over the weekend.

Pictures of the ride will be available on our website: later this week.

Thanks to all who attended and helped, hope to speak to you all on the roads over the coming months and look forward to seeing you at BikeWise 2007 – 29th July.

Bob Brown Sgt 1093, Durham Police Motorcycle Section

Bob Brown

Reader's article

By Bob Brown