Reader rebuilds bike as rehabilitation

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So there I was, sat at my computer with nowt to do…(I’m recovering from a bad crash on an R1, with a broken tibia, fibia, smasked knee, smashed wrist, two broken collar bones etc, but apart from that I’m OK!) when i had a look at an online ad, and went and ended up with a Yamaha TRX 850.

Now this bike had seen better days. Like me, it had been in a crash. It didn’t have a fairing, and had been turned into a bit of a dog street fighter, but was HP clear. So with nowt better to do I went to meet the seller.

The engine was ok and it rode OK according to my mate, as even a year after my crash i still couldn’t ride a bike yet. My mate brought it home and I set to work despite still being quite disabled. The bike was indeed a dog! The wiring was house wire twisted together and taped up ready to catch fire, but luckily it was mechanicly OK. About 12 weeks later and quite a bit of cash have produced my new bike, with every part stripped and either repaired, replaced or refinished.

Steve Stuttard

Reader's article

By Steve Stuttard