An encounter with an Audi on the way to work

I’m minding my own business on the way to work, filtering up to the front of the lights on the A45 as I always do. I can’t quite get to the front as the front two car’s (one of which is a red Audi) wing mirrors are too close together for my wide bars. So I stop behind their mirrors and wait till we’re moving to nip through. It so happens that the next set of lights is red so I stop in the middle of the two lanes so the cars can go either side of me. As I roll to a stop I realise that the red Audi is beeping at me. I flip my visor, turn and look at him and shout “yes?”

The numpty is pointing at the space to my right as if to say “I can’t move into that because you have left no room.” If he’d been a particularly wide truck there may, indeed, have been no room for him but as he wasn’t there was room to spare. So I made a “move on up matey” gesture. The numpty sat there. So I shouted across “Filtering is legal you know” and he nodded as if he was completely aware of that fact. I could have taken up the complete lane if I’d so wished but I was polite and left lots of room for the cars but it wasn’t good enough for this jerk, I’d like to know what he thought I should have done. Run the red light so I was nowhere his Audi?


Reader's article

By BigBadMad