A road to avoid near Bicester

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The pictures are from a road near Bicester, Oxon.  They do not illustrate just how bad this road is!!!

I drive it on a regular basis in my car, it is a national speed limit road with a reasonable bend. The road is heavily repaired and the cracking is horrendous!!  The road undulates considerably and even manages to through my car all over the place (RX8 Not sure if that’s good or bad!!!!). The bumps and changes in level over the course of two flowing bends is not easy to illustrate in these pictures, I was tempted to get it videoed whilst driving just to show the extent of the upset this can have on any vehicle at even slow speeds. To drive this little stretch of road between Arncott and Murcott is to truly appreciate just how bad it is.

I avoid this on my bike and if someone who did not know the area were to take this inviting bend at any reasonable speed, even below the limits they would be in an awful lot of trouble… 

Craig Mitchell

Reader's article

By Craig Mitchell