KillSpills rally 2006

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The biggest ever KillSpills diesel protest rally is predicted by organisers for Saturday, September 9, 2006 to highlight the danger of diesel to motorcyclists.

In 2005, the event attracted over 2500 concerned riders, starting at the Ace cafe in london, and ending at the Houses of Parliament. The ride is sponsored by the British Motorcycle Federation, and Metropolitan Police riders will escort procession. A delegation will call at 10 Downing Street to present Prime Minister Tony blair with an action plan and third-year anniversary card signed by thousands of motorcyclists. The BMF, supported by bennetts insurance, will present a KillSpills achievement award to the company who has done most to reduce the risk of diesel spills from their vehicles.

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The KillSpills 8-point action plan:

Warning signs should be displayed at service stations informing diesel users of the danger of overfilling diesel tanks or not refitting the filler cap correctly.

The Highway Code should highlight the dangers of spilt diesel and publicise the penalties of spilling diesl on the public highway.

The THINK! campaign should be used to get the diesel spill message across: “Thinks! -Diesel Spills Can Kill”

Lobby for European wide resolution to ensure that future generations of commercial vehicles have anti-spill devices fitted as standard.

Government Departments and Local Authorities to lead by example, ensuring that their drivers are full briefed about the dangers of overfilling a diesel tank or not refilling the filler cap correctly.

Introduce a general Road Safety Hotline that the public can use to report diesel spills and other road safety issues.

Publish statistics on the reasons prohibition notices are served on commercial vehicles.

Diesel spills are recognised as a hazard in the Department for Transport network management Duty Guide but there are no home office guidelines to the emergency services relating to treatment of diesel spillage. This should be corrected as part of joined-up Government.

The protect ride also coincides with the 12th Ace Cafe Reunion Weekend. The ride assembles at 11:00am at the Ace Cafe on Saturday September 9, 2006, to start at 1pm. For mroe information visit (external site)

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff