Top cop calls for bike ban

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North Wales Police Deputy Chief Constable Clive Wolfendale has called for motorcycles to be banned from national parks in his online blog.

As if his anti-bike boss Richard Brunstrom wasn’t bad enough, Wolfendale complained that when he went to the Lake District for the weekend he was interrupted by the “inescapable whine of motorcycles”.

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After saying “the machines seemed wholly incompatible with the otherwise pristine scene” he went on to add “In Germany, some states have banned the use of motorcycles at the weekend in certain areas. Is it now time to banish motorcycles completely from our National Parks?”

Perhaps before he says we’re incompatible with national parks he should look at his own record. In 2004 Wolfendale was slammed as patronising for attempting to be cool by rapping his speech to the Black Police Officers Association.

Long term readers of the site may remember in 2001 the then Environment Minister, Michael Meacher, made an attempt to dissuade motorcyclists from entering National parks and Areas of Outstanding Natual Beauty, but was made to see sense by a barrage of letters, emails and a go-slow protest in London with other 2000 riders attending. See the links, right, for that victory

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff