MAG 'anti' speed control

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The Motorcycle Action Group has joined MCN in calling for plans for external speed control on motorcycles to be scrapped immediately.

In a press release, MAG President Ian Mutch said “We don’t want it, not today, not tomorrow, not ever”, as it takes control away from the rider. Both MCN road tester Adam Child and MAG Director of Public Affairs have ridden the bike, and both have deemed the idea as dangerous.

Sign our anti speed control bike petition. Click here.

“It overloads the rider with information thus distracting concentration. Furthermore the apparatus as it is at present will close the throttle mid corner where consistency of power is critical to stability,” said Baird.

Road tester Child said “I had several moments when the power dropping off was just dangerous – tipping into bends as the throttle shut forced the bike wide and made it run off line. But the most frightening aspect was that once the throttle had been rolled off you couldn’t open it again until you had dropped beneath the speed limit. it mean you had no input into what the bike does.”

“How can you possibly be expected to ride safely if you’re not in full control of your bike? This goes against everything that is taught about safe riding.”

Amazingly the British Motorcycle Federation has indicated its support for the scheme, with spokesman Jeff Stone claiming the technology isn’t dangerous.

Stone said “Riding it on a test track, I thought: ‘what is supposed to be wrong with this? It wasn’t wrong.”

Let the BMF know what you think through its website at (external site), and sign our petition, here.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff