Carpool lanes for bikes?

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The British Motorcycle Federation is asking for motorcycles to be included in a new ‘congestion-busting carpool lane on the M25’.

The scheme is being considered by Transport Secretary Alastair Darling. Following approaches from the BMF over the trial of a High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane on the M1, the Highways Ageny confirmed that motorcycles would be allowed in these lanes. As a result it is expected bikes will be able to take advantage of carpool lanes, but until official confirmation has arrived, there is a fear only vehicles registered to a national carpool system will have legal access. Enforcement could be carried out by automatic number plate recognition systems.

“It’s important we get this clarified because if electronic enforcement is used, either all bikes will need to be registered as well, or more likely, expempted but allowed access,” said the BMF’s Richard Olliffe.

The Highways Agengy is to look at wheather a carpool lane could be installed on the M25 between junctions 12-15 (M3-M4), a section which is already being widened to either five or six lanes in each direction.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff