Anger at driver sentence

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Motorcyclists across the country are reacting with outrage and disbelief after a law student drove off from the scene of an accident with a rider’s disembodied foot stuck in his car bumper.

Law student Peter Dearing, 23, has been jailed for two months and ordered to pay just £300 compensation to rider Richard Sholl after admitting driving without due care and attention, failing to stop after an accident and driving without insurance.

He also admitted driving with faulty brakes and steering, and to driving illegally with a provisional licence, which he obtained after a previous disqualification. Dearing was also banned from driving for two years.

Read the full BBC report, here.

“It’s just sickening that ruining someone’s life is treated with little more than a slap on the wrist.” Scareymonsta.

“This is absolutely disgraceful. I am so angry I am almost in teas with frustration. This is the same penalty dished out to the two bikers caught for speeding at 140+ and they didn’t do anyone any harm.” Melson.

“It’s a complete farce, the law seems to defend the guilty party rather than the innocent.” Cosmiccharlie.

“What is the point in banning the guy for two years. He was already disqualified when the accident took place and £300 compensation is little more than an insult.” Snaggletooth.

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MCN Staff

By MCN Staff