Cure for arm pump?

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If you suffer from arm pump, particularly when riding off-road, then UK firm Grantham MX might have the answer.

The firm is the sole UK importer for a tablet called Max 650 which claims to relieve arm pump, and in some cases has stopped it occurring at all. All you need to do is take three tablets the night before you ride, and two on the actual day. As it is claimed to include only natural incredients, the tablet doesn’t require any tests before it goes on sale in the UK. It’s also suitable for vegetarians.

The forumal used aims to increase the amount of oxygen tranported and used by muscles, increase blood circulation, and remove lactic acid, thus helping with arm pump. The ingredients are carbonate/bicarbonates, ginger, hawthorne extracts, niacin, magnesium blend, molybdenum, selenium, siberian ginseng, zinc, and vitamins B-12, B-6 and C.

The only known side effects are a bit of a runny tummy, and you shouldn’t take the forumla if you’re pregenant, but then again, motocross racing probably isn’t the best idea.

The tablets cost £26.95 per bottle of 80 tablets, and for more information, contact: 01476-577877.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff