Bargain big naked bikes

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With big naked bikes like the SuperDuke 990 and CB1300S dominating the news this week we thought we’d pick out the best naked bike offerings from our bikes for sale section.

Whatever your budget or taste there’s a bike for you, from a practicle Hornet 900 to the Italian class of the Monster S4.

Click her to take advantage of our 50% off classified offer.

This Buell XB9S is a lot of fun but has only done 1000 miles and is up for £57995

This black Honda CB1300 has gone a little further at 1100 miles but can be had for £5095

A Triumph Speed Triple for £4750 with only 4000 mile son it is a pretty good bargain, and it comes with an unusual fairing and seat hump.

If you’re prepare to live with a small dent in the tank this Suzuki SV1000S can be had for the bargain price of £3399

Or if you want a cleaner alternative then this Honda Hornet 900 might be a good choice with 3000 miles on it it’s only £4400.

If you want something with a bit more class then this Ducati Monster S4 is just the job, with 2800 miles on it it is just over £5000.

Or for a slightly cheaper alternative you could try this Cagiva Raptor 1000 with just 2500 miles on it for £3999 and you’ll certainly get noticed.

This is just a small selection of the bikes we have on offer. Whatever you want you’re sure to find it in our bikes for sale secion.

If you want to sell your bike then click here to go to our sell your bike section and take advantage of our 50% off offer.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff