Captain's charity trip
The grandfather of a four-and-a-half year old cancer sufferer will undertake a charity ride in 2006 to raise money for the CLIC Sargent charity.
CLIC Sargent has provided accomodation for the family during radiotherapy treatment, as well as allocating a nurse for support at home. As a result, airline captain and classic bike enthusiast Alun, plans to ride from Southampton to the Isle of Man, fundraising on the way, to ride the Isle of Man TT circuit.
He’ll be riding a 1960, 700cc Royal Enfield Constellation which he has restored over the last seven years, and has renamed himself Captain Constellation for the challenge. The aim is to raise at least £5000 by the end of the ride in May 2006.
Donations can be made by visiting here (external site), or by sending cheques to Capt Alun Thomas BACX, Southampton International Airport, Wide Lane, Southampton, SO18 2NL. Fore more information, email Captain Constellation him, here at