Your Unity Ride stories

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Many of you took part in the London Unity Ride on Sunday August 21, 2005, to show support for the victims of the London bombings.

We’ve collected just some of your experiences of the day, below:

“The clutch fingers were aching, The numb bum syndrome had gone through the biking equivalent of “hiting the wall” and the legs were beginning to set not to mention the heat from the engine at the low speed.

And then we reached Kings Cross. Amidst the rumble of bikes onlookers were cheering, flag waving and applauding in support. It brought a lump to the throat and a tear to the eye. All those minor pains diminished. What a fantastic experience. I’m glad I was there and proud to be part of the Great British family of bikers. May the victims of those atrocities rest in peace.”

from Andrew Lee.

“The Unity ride was the biking community speaking out against terrorism and showing respect and sympathy for the victims of the July 7th bombings in London. I was honoured to lay a wreath at the Kings Cross site and also to help raise the flag, and then lead a one minute silence on the roof top of the Ace Cafe. The clapping and cheers from Londoners in the streets said it all. So many people wanted to stand up and speak out against the terrorists, and when we did it, the people of London felt they had a voice.”

from Angela Gildea.

“It was truly an awesome sight, seeing so many people from the biking community from all over the country come together as one unit and show the world that we will not be bullied by terrorists. In addition to this, we hope that the families of the bomb victims see that this was for them and their lost ones.”

from John Thompson.

“I was a Marshall (on an Blue 03 SV1000S ) on the ride and have to say it was a great day. Having many people from all parts of the area all on their best behaviour was a great sight.

from Matthew Playford.

“My girlfriend and I were both ‘Junction Marshalls’ and every time we relieved a police biker from a junction and waited until the ride had passed, there were so many bikers that we were on most junctions for more than 15 minutes!
The attitude was superb, people were standing in amazement and asking what was happening. They were very supportive and we made sure to thank everyone who waited patiently at junctions.
To see and hear thousands of bikes filling the streets of London and all the famous landmarks with the sound of thunder was something I shall never forget. My girlfirend and I are both amazingly proud to have been part of this unique event and I know that she now understands why biking is more than just the riding experience. Its the community that makes it.
On this day the Police supported our stand against Terrorism in London. The Marshalls supported the Police. The Bikers supported the Marshalls. The Public supported the Bikers. We all worked in Unity to support our stand against Terrorism in London.”

From Michael Tanousis

As a tube drive and biker, when I heard of the Unity Ride I had to attend. I travelled in from Boxhill on Sunday to join other bikers to remember the people who lost there lives during the events of 7/7. Bikers turned up in their thousands for the ride from all over the country and everyone rode from Regents Park without any incident. A big cheer for all those who sweated in their leathers in the sunshine to show london that we care.”

by John Hardesty

“This morning, still aching and tired, I asked my old man what his most memorable moment of the day was and I had to laugh.
Was it the emotion when we stopped at Edgware Road? Was it the crowds clapping and cheering us? Was it the people taking photos from rooftops? Was it when we stopped for 10 minutes after his air-cooled Duke overheated and we STILL weren’t at the end of the parade of bikes??? Was it ‘eck. He said it was the giraffe peering over the fence at London Zoo at the stream of bikes!

Big thanks to STEM of The London Bikers for getting this off the ground, to PFM and the Met Police, to the marshalls, to the ride-in points where we set off, to everyone who joined in on the day and to Joe Public, both on foot and in traffic as they joined us in this memorable day. Ace indeed.”

By Steve Murray

“I was on the ride and it was an excellent tribute to those who were killed or injured on that terrible day. It also brought home what a great bunch of guys us bikers are. There were people from all over who came to London with the same thoughts.
Special thanks to the organisers who did a great job in a short time, the sponsors (the free water was especially appreciated) and the Police who are getting so much bad press at present but did a fantastic job together with the marshalls to get us through London with no stops and the public who lined to route to cheer and wave.”

By Tim James.

“Just a very quick note to say it was just a fantastic memororable day and one that I will always remember. To see so many people do what they love to do and showing the world their opinions was simply amazing. A big thanks to everyone involved in the organisation.”

By Trevor Saville.

“As one of the lucky riders, able, (with my wife as pillion), to take part in what must be the most momentous bike ride ever, I’d like to take the opportunity of your publication to express what I’m sure will be one of many votes of appreciation for all the effort put in by the organisers, police, members of Londonbikers, London Bike Safe, etc etc etc.! Not forgetting the thousands of other bikers, coming together no matter what machine, what “other” community we might belong to, or what other reason we might have for being on two wheels.
I will never be able to express the feelings brought on whilst riding through the streets of London, with tens of thousands of Londoners, tourists etc, clapping, cheering, waving, smiling, giving us “thumbs up” signs and the like. All I can say is that I’m still smiling!”

By John Wooler.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff