is No1 (official)

1 of 1 has been ranked the No1 most visited motorcycle site in the UK by international web-watchers Hitwise.

Hitwise keeps tabs on more than 450,000 websites worldwide and hands out its awards based on hard data. Its latest series of awards covers the period October to December 2003. And we know from our own figures (supplied by Webtrends) that since December our page-impressions-per-month count has soared from around 2.5million to 3.75million with the launch of our new BIKES FOR SALE and SELL YOUR BIKE sections.

And there’s much more to come from this year – with a major relaunch this Spring. Keep coming back – you’re backing a winner.

Don’t forget, the site is down for running repairs on Friday night (February 27, 2004) from 8.30pm. We’ll be back at 8.30am on Saturday.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff