Gatso use must change
The way speed cameras are used in Britain should change.
That’s the message supporters of Share Ideas Day – the RAC Foundation and Euro Car Parts – are sending to Transport Minister David Jamieson.
Ideas submitted by road users for Share Ideas Day are now being presented to the Minister for consideration and include:
Clearly signed speed limits actually on the cameras
Review road speed limits when suggested by motorists
Promote defensive driving courses and a speed awareness courses.
Offer speed awareness courses instead of issuing penalty points.
The answer to improving accident blackspots might be junction design or engineering measures and not necessarily a speed solution related.
Each camera should be preceded by an interactive sign advising people to slow down or the speed painted on the road.
Move speed limit signs away from junctions where drivers tend to concentrate on the traffic.
Introduce 20 mph limits around schools in peak periods.
Increase budgets for traffic police and target tailgaters.
Display the number of people killed at the camera spot.
Find out more about the annual Share Ideas Day here: