Trans Americas: Roadblocks and repairs

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Despite Foreign Office warnings, Kevin and Julia Sanders have travelled successfully through Columbia and into Ecuador in their attempt on the Trans-Americas record.

The biggest drama so far has been en route to Panama from Costa Rica, when an encounter with a huge pothole took out six spokes in one section of the rear wheel and dented the rim. But at 6.30am on a Sunday, all the pair could do was evenly space out the remaining spokes and continue for another 120 miles. This left them around a day behind schedule.

Fortunately the pair met up with some fellow BMW GS riders in Medellin, Columbia, who managed to help with the bike and guide them through towns to make up time. The Sanders finished the Columbian leg 100 miles ahead of their plans, and on course for their target to break the current record by ten days.

Surviving Columbia unscathed was a minor victory. ” Even at our hotel in Popoyan, we had three soldiers at the entrance, ” said Julia. ” But our elation at getting to Ecuador unscathed was short-lived. At the first town we came to, there was a blockade across the road. Luckily the bike could squeeze through, but at the next town, the same again. ”

The couple have now arrived at Otovalo in Ecuador, still 100 miles ahead of their schedule.

Keep up-to-date with the record-breaking attempt with, and discuss how they are doing on the News board by following the link on the right.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff