Special Christmas offer for MCN readers

By MCN Staff
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In the spirit of the festive season, you can get inner thermal gloves worth £6.50 for just £1 thanks to MCN and Oxford Products.

The pound covers postage, packing and admin, so the gloves themselves are free, and there’s no limit on the number of pairs you can send for, as long as you include £1 for each pair.

To take advantage of this offer, you’ll need the coupon printed in MCN, out December 23. If you miss this issue, there’s another chance in the Tuesday, December 30 issue, but with a closing date of January 7, the earlier you apply the better.

The sooner you receive the thermals, the sooner you can make any pair of gloves winter-ready. The extra layer traps heat next to your skin, so you can enjoy winter riding for longer.

To claim your pair of gloves worth £6.50 for just £1, see MCN, out Tuesday December 23. For more great products to make winter biking as pleasant as possible, see the Product Reviews section. Discuss this story on the News message board.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff