Back off biking: Show your support

By MCN Staff
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Biking in Britain is facing its greatest threat for decades.

Zero tolerance policing is on the increase and Transport minister David Jamieson has threatened legislation to force power and speed restrictions on all bikes if the industry doesn’t act to bring down the number of accidents.

But MCN believes the only way the tough restrictions would have any effect on accident statistics is in cutting the total number of riders on our roads, and in turn the total numbers injured. The percentage of riders killed or injured would be unchanged and that is not acceptable.

That’s why MCN is launching its new Back off Biking campaign. We want you to help us convince Mr Jamieson that ill thought out, knee-jerk, reactions are not what is needed.

Instead, we’re calling for Government backing for our eight realistic and sensible ideas to make biking safer and better. (Click the link on the right to see what we’re calling for.)

MCN already has the support of the RAC Foundation. Spokesman Kevin Delaney said: ” It’s typical of the Government to look for the simple answer. They believe that limiting power will make motorcycling safer. But that’s like taking an aspirin for a broken leg. They need to look at the cause of the problem rather than the symptoms. ”

There are three simple things you can do to help with the campaign:

E-mail us at, with ‘Back off Biking’ in the subject, and tell us your reactions to the Government’s plans right now. We want to be able to show the politicians the strength of your feelings about the threat they pose.

Click the link on the right to download our petition. Print it off, sign it to show your support, get your friends to do the same and then send it back to us.

Write to your MP. Every letter they receive really does make a difference. Look out for our tips in the coming weeks on making those letters count.

Don’t forget to check MCN each week for campaign updates. We’ll keep you bang up to date as we take the fight to the Government.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff