Name Britain’s best B&Bs for bikers

We’ve added a new section in our Discussion & Chat area for you to share tips on the best bike-friendly B&Bs to stay at.

To find it, click Discussion & Chat (on the top navigation bar) then select SERVICES from the options you are presented with, and then ‘Bike Friendly Bed & Breakfasts’.

When posting, please put the location in the subject line, and then describe why you think it’s a great place to stay, what the bike security is like, and any other special features. Include contact details of the B&B or guesthouse in question if you can. And feel free to put in plusher establishments, too.

While you’re in the SERVICES section, you’ll also see we’ve added a place for you to review the many pub meets we list in the What’s On section. When posting under that, please put the name of the pub and the location in the subject line and then describe what visitors would find at the meet.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff