Most drivers back mobile ban
A new survey by motorists group the RAC reveals more that more than 90 per cent of drivers would support a ban on the use of mobiles behind the wheel.
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However, while the vast majority of those polled believed that using a mobile phone adversely affected the driving of other motorists, only 43 per cent thought they themselves were unsafe when they did so.
The RAC’s Ann Skey said: ” It’s clear that many of us are still complacent about the dangers of using a mobile phone while on the road. ”
The same survey also showed that 74 percent of motorists believe putting on make-up behind the wheel is more dangerous and 72 per cent consider reading a map less safe. Which, if you turn it around means that more than one in four believe that reading a map whilst driving is safer than using a mobile phone on the move.
When quizzed about what penalties they would levy on anyone breaking such a ban, 57 per cent believe a fine or points and a fine to be appropriate.