Name the best bike in the world

We want to know which your favourite bike in the world, ever, is.

Is it your own? Is it a race bike? Is it the first bike you owned, or a one-off special you saw from a distance at a show.

Jason Schofield offers: " RC45, Honda’s V4, cause it makes me go silly whenever I see one. I mumble and babble like a spotty teenager talking to Pamela Anderson.

" Anyone who’s within ear-shot is subjected to a string of muffled enthusiastic expletives.

" Build quality is fantastic, it’s full of road and track racing technology, it sounds gorgeous and it looks like it means business.

" It’s not particularly lithe, but it carries it’s size well and looks ‘athletic’ and purposeful – it’s a Cruiser weight that you believe could knock-out a Heavy weight. Plus, it’s won everything. WSB Championships, TT races, endurance races, Daytona etc.

" It’s expensive enough to be exclusive but temptingly affordable. It would always raise an eyebrow amongst even the most hard-core of bikers.

" But to have one would be a double-edged sword. If I owned one, I’d feel like a fraud. I’d be obliged to have track lessons – go on track days – practice, practice, practice… anything to justify ownership. I’d have to train at the gym, watch my weight, buy clothing that complemented the colour scheme.

" Basically, I could easily idolise and worship the bike to the point of insanity! Not very healthy really, but then again, infatuation never is. "

Inspired? tell us the bike that gets you going and your reasons for thinking it is the best bike there ever was, together with your name, address and daytime contact details (including a daytime telephone number if at all possible) and stick it all in an e-mail to Please use " BEST BIKE " as the subject line of your e-mail.

The best will be published in a new feature in MCN.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff