Dark visors could be legal by Christmas
The Government is currently mulling over thousands of letters sent by MCN readers calling for dark visors to be made legal – and insiders at the Department of Transport (DoT) have told us it could happen by Christmas.
For more details on the fight to make dark visors legal, don’t miss the latest issue of MCN, out June 19.
The optimism stems from the DoT’s new stance on visors. After years of insisting there should be no law change, it is now neutral on the issue, leaving an all-important door open for them to be legalised.
The consultation process ended on Friday but it will be two to three months before the DoT, and ultimately a minister, gives it the all-clear. After that it will be a few weeks before British Standard can be put in place. Once that final hurdle is cleared dark visors an be legally sold.
And it is the strength of your opinions on the issue which has brought about the Government’s change of stance.
The massive response to the consultation process is exactly what is needed to convince road safety minister David Jamieson to give British riders what we want.
Alan Goodman, who sits on the BSI committee, said: ” With this level of support for dark visors, the Government would be mad not to make them legal. They have spent a lot of money consulting the public and it would be pointless if they didn’t take note. ”
Would making dark visors legal make any difference to you? Would you start using them if you haven’t before? Would you expect prices to fall? Click on the link on the right and tell us your views .