Your reaction to bike tax cut
UPDATED APRIL 18: Gordon Brown has cut the cost of bike road tax in the budget. Fuel duty has also been frozen the next 12 months.
There is a new scale for VED (road tax), and the idea is that the ” least polluting ” , pays the least. This seems to be based on engine size rather than actual measured pollutants.
*For bikes with engines up to 15cc you’ll pay £15 for 12 months VED
*151cc-400cc you’ll pay £30
*401-600cc you’ll pay £45
*Above 600cc you’ll pay £60
Gordon Brown also announced tax breaks for amateur sporting clubs, which should help the hundreds of small racing and off-road associations around the country. One announcement, which should bring some good news to firms like Triumph is a new research and development tax credit for large companies set at 25%, to boost innovation.
The only people who don’t gain are those of you who ride something smaller than 150cc.
Here’s what some are saying about the Budget on our Talk News bulletin board:
slimjim2k: ” Will I be getting a refund after spending £35 on road tax for 6 months for my VFR400. Should at least get a tenner back!! Hey… nearly enough for a small number plate! :o)
748essex: ” Guess they listened. Good to see, and I am not even unhappy about paying £800 per year more in NI to help the national health service, after all, I might need them one day! Still, guess they’ll raise even more with gatso’s… ”
domdom: ” What about the other statement, that new proposals to stop VED discs being stolen will come into force. Is this s way to get VED stickers on to (only officially approved) number plates? ”
blade918 ” Bike Tax reduced, I’m pissed off. Bugger, and bugger again, I’ve just got rid of a 599cc and bought a Blade, Bugger only saved a fiver then…. ”
Geriatric: ” This is exactly the cc split and values they had suggested before the consultation. So they listened to us then did what they had intended in the first place. Compared to the cost of insurance, servicing, petrol and tyres it may be bugger all but that’s not the point. The point is that in spite of all the arguments that were put forward the just ignored it all and did what they had planned to do all along. I suppose it has employed some clerks who can now afford to buy bikes so it has not been a complete waste of time. ”
See what others are saying and add your own voice, by following the link, right.
Alternatively, e-mail with your name, age, where you live, bike you ride and what you think about the changes for story he’s compiling for the paper.We may even arrange a picture of you with your bike so a daytime contact number would be helpful.