Hislop in hospital: in his own words

Dazzie: Steve, very bad luck on the crash – what is the latest on your injuries?

SteveHislop: The latest is everything is looking pretty good. If I improve in the next 2 or 3 weeks as much as I have in the last 2 days, I’ll be laughing. The pain has gone from the ankle and my leg, it’s just the collarbone which is niggly.

Delbert6: Hi Steve, does such a nasty crash affect your bottle?

SteveHislop: It doesn’t. I basically got over the broken neck at Brands last year. It’s just the same; a few days of pain and then you get back to it. It actually makes you stronger. I don’t know if it’s sad or just mental, but you just want to keep coming back

Andy: I like the other few thousand sat @ turn one on Sunday really felt for you Steve, we hoped and prayed for which felt like hours for you to just stand and give us the wave that lets all the lads and lasses know that your OK.We never got the reassuring wave but thankfully the injuries less that we all expected. Sorry the season has ended like it this for you, but thanks for another entertaining BSB season and good luck for 2002 what ever you do?

SteveHislop: I feel very, very sorry for my team, my mechanics Phil and Stuart, for Paul, the amount he’s put in this year. We basically took a small under-funded team and put me back on the map again and it looked like we were going to win the championship this year. I just feel sorry for the associated sponsors and everyone else.

Rgvm: has JR brought you any flowers for your hospital bedside?

SteveHislop: Not yet, but he has phoned me. He was one of the first callers on Monday morning. I don’t blame John for it. It was just a racing accident, he missed a gear and it was one of those things. When I said he was champion he was gutted. He said that he would have rather fought to the end and been runner up and I know he meant it, cos I know his personality.

Adam748: Steve, no disrespect to John, but following last years crash and the way you rode this year, you deserve the No. 1 Plate

SteveHislop: Yeah, I mean I had the operation last September and it was a long time, about mid November before I got the feeling coming back. I trained really hard, got the Monstermob ride, and worked really hard this year to achieve a dream and sadly it’s been taken from me.

Adam748: Is JR going to get his quickshifter for Donnington?

SteveHislop: I think the problem is that John tore a ligament at Mallory and he’s had problems changing gear in the last two races, and fair play to him he could have sat at home with his feet up but he’s gone out there because he wants to be champion. It’s just sad that John, my main rival, has taken my dream away through his own injury really

Weeksy: Just a message to say, I know how it feels….. get better soon. I mangled my femur, scaphoid, hand and collar bone at race 6 weeks ago… getting better now. Sorry you had to concede the championship. Once again, the winner of the championship will not be the peoples champion, you won it this year, sadly the records won’t show it, but WE know.

SteveHislop: Yeah, I mean on Monday morning, I was lying in bed thinking it’s the second year on the trot my season has ended through someone else’s fault. However, the body’s a funny thing, but even the amount of healing I’ve had so far makes me think for sure, I’ll work hard and hopefully be back racing next year

Dazzie: Have you been approached by any teams on rides for next year?

SteveHislop: Yes, I’ve spoken briefly with four teams various things from America and the World, but nothing is set in stone.

Shalferty: Steve, Rockingham reckons the circuit was safe, would you put it back on the calander for next season?

SteveHislop: The circuit is not perfect for bikes and we definitely need to look at some safety issues. The most expensive air fencing was used at the last corner before the banking but it should have been on the corner I came off on, which I think is the most dangerous part of the track. I think everything else there is good, the facilities are good.

DPC: Do you feel as motivated as ever to carry on next year?

SteveHislop: Yes. Definitely. I don’t now what it is with me. There have been times when I could have walked away, but since the broken neck it’s been like another chance at life, and I hope this isn’t going to set me back too far. I hope to be back soon as there’s no rush for Donington now. I would have liked to be in a position to test in October in America but that’ll be knocked on the head and I should think it’ll now be about mid to end of November, early December when I should be in a position to ride a bike again.

Andywilson: So is the proposed move to WSB with Monstermob dead in the water?

SteveHislop: No, I mean I think Paul would still love to go to WSB because he’s being forced to come up with a 2 man team in the UK and that just isn’t financially viable

Seanw: Tell us how having a faith healer (or whatever he is) has helped you this season?

SteveHislop: I only met the healer a little bit into the season. I’d won races before I met him, but I think he’s been a good psychological boost. He’s become a good friend and he enjoys the racing as well, so it’s been good to have him around as a confidence booster

DPC: What does he do that makes the difference?

SteveHislop: Well, just as I said… it’s kinda funny, until you’ve actually experienced the healing thing you can’t actually explain it. It’s a psychological thing and maybe it’s just I’m a good believer, but it seems to be working. If it is that that has been doing it, you just can’t tell

Dpc: Is there a religious element, or is it about belief in yourself?

SteveHislop: It’s just belief. I know John isn’t even religious, it’s just I know him from other people and he’s helped cancer sufferers etc. It’s a belief thing.

Psychogirl: Hizzy u have the sexiest voice in bike racing…… do u go to vocal training for that at all?

SteveHislop: Hell no! I hate my voice. When I hear myself I hate it. Listening to myself has almost stopped me talking as much as I used to but thank you, all the same!

Zx6man: Would you let Psychogirl be your brolly babe?

SteveHislop: You’d have to negotiate that with Paul, cos it’s him that sorts out the brolly girls.

Rgvm: What was it like racing with Neill Mackenzie round Knockhill earlier this year?

SteveHislop: Well, I never really had a head to head with Niall. He rode good considering he’d been out so long, but at the same time he wasn’t really in the fight with me, John and Sean.

Dazza: Steve, do you have any plans to do race schools like Mackenzie and Chili or do you already?

SteveHislop: I’ve never done any race school tuition. It’s something I’ve always considered, but it’s a bit awkward with me being on the Island, but it might be something I’ll have to consider in the future cos you can’t race forever.

Carrera4: When you came off on Sunday, what thoughts went through your head?

SteveHislop: I was lining up to take John into turn 2, and he missed a gear and I went down. All I could think was that I knew the perimeter wall was there, but with my hand pinned under the bike at 130mph I was pinned. I was just trying to push myself away from the bike but I couldn’t do it and the air fence was lifted up and I went into the wall feet first.

RebeccaandLaura: You were kind enough to give us a signed picture at Silverstone (which is up on our bedroom door). My Dad has taken us to see you race a couple of times and you were great. We think we may be some of your youngest fans. Get well soon.Rebecca age 10 and Laura age 8.

SteveHislop: Thankyou very much, and thanks for all the support over the season

Psychogirl: If you could have anyone as a team mate who would it be?

SteveHislop: erm… I think probably this year, if we’re talking UK. I think for youthfulness and PR promotion maybe a young guy like Shane Byrne. He’s got abilities and he’s a pretty young lad.

R1basher: is Mega your favourite word Steve?

SteveHislop: Yeah, I tend to use it quite a lot! There’s a few four letter ones as well, but Mega is one of my favourites.

Caulkhead: will you consider four cyls for next season, or stick to ducks?

SteveHislop: Whoever wants to pay me the best wage and we’ll see what happens. I still think a twin could win the British Championship even under the new regulations.

Zx6man: Any chances on a GP move?

SteveHislop: No, definitely not. I would like to be in a position to ride one of the new generation GP1 four strokes, but I can’t see it. Maybe as a road tester some day in a later life.

Psychogirl: will you be at Donnington even though you won’t be racing?

SteveHislop: Highly unlikely. The chances of getting around are a bit awkward. Maybe if I just had a broken leg and was on crutches, but the collarbone makes it awkward. I’d still like to be there to chat to everyone and all my fans, but we’ll see.

Caulkhead: do you think James Haydon has what it takes to be a BSB Champ?

SteveHislop: James is a good rider, but I feel he tends to ride with his heart rather than his head sometimes. He rides too much with his heart. He is good. I still believe the progress they’ve made with the Yamaha. He should have been up with me and John. Ducatis haven’t improved much this year. I could run with the top guys and the Yamaha now has about 6hp more. I think I could have gone faster on it this year.

Andywilson: It must wrankle with you that people like Haydon have what look like massive crashes every weekend, bounce and walk away then people like yourself have one crash and thats you done for the season.

SteveHislop: I know. It does piss me off. I’ve never been a big crasher but when I do I seem to get the worst. I think I’d rather be falling off every weekend and just losing a bit of skin, than the big impacts I tend to have.

Jonny: I am going for my first season of racing next year at the age of 28 will this hinder me as a novice with no experience?

SteveHislop: Not at all. I was 25 doing my first full season and I’ve had a terrific career and I’m still going strong. Age doesn’t matter

Caulkhead: Which race this year was the best in terms of scraps and reward in your opinion?

SteveHislop: I think the best scrap was race one at Thruxton with 6 or 7 going for victory, and I came through the pack on the last lap to take the victory. Domination wise was the first race at Mallory, when I did the double, that was good!

Psychogirl: Are you superstitious in your racing at all?

SteveHislop: No. I’ve gone through all that many years ago; the lucky underpants, lucky socks, all that stuff. It just goes over my head these days (not literally!) Paul’s the superstitious one in the team. He’s terrible. He shook my hand as he left the grid at Silverstone and I won, and he shook my hand at every race after that, and I won them. Now he’s mad with himself, cos he was at the motocross this weekend, and I crashed!

Inch: Earlier this season you announced you were going to do the TT. Will you go for it next season?

SteveHislop: No. Definitely not. It was a big dream. It seemed like a good idea when I first got back involved with Paul, but as the event got closer I started to remember why I’d quite in the first place and it was the safety factor, so I called it a day before the foot and mouth kicked in. You will never see me back there…ever.

Caulkhead: Would you consider JR as a team mate or would that not be a good idea and why?

SteveHislop: No. I think if I had John as a teammate, I think whoever was team boss would have one of the strongest teams in the world. I think we have similar personalities and rider wise we would be fantastic

DPC: So why is that a bad thing?

SteveHislop: It’s not a bad thing really. I just don’t know. We would be so competitive on track that there may be friction on the track and in the paddock. At the moment John and me are really friendly but if we were teammates, and so close, it might cause problems and it would become an unhappy team.

Carrera4: When you win, how do you celebrate on and off track?

SteveHislop: On track I don’t show a lot of emotions. I sometimes make feeble attempts at doing wheelies! Off the track, the sad thing is, by the time we’ve packed up and driven away from the track I usually end up as Billy Nomates, sitting in my hotel room waiting to catch the plane home in the morning.

Carrera4: What bike do you ride for fun (at home) ?

SteveHislop: I have a YZ125 which I use for my winter training, and Hodgson has a CR so the pair of us have fun together! So we like to get dirty in the mud. I don’t really like riding road bikes these days!

Se7enuk: Well you will have to let everyone know which hotel and we will bring a crate of beer….lol

SteveHislop: Good on ya!

Inch: So what does the future hold for Steve Hislop now, is America still on the cards, or will you have another crack at the British title?

SteveHislop: I was seriously wanting to go to test in America with a Ducati team, however this will depend on the recovery of my ankle

Delbert6: who do you want to win the 500 GPs?

SteveHislop: Rossi. I think he has it in the bag anyway. He’s very convincing.

Woollen: Have you heard about Hodgson’s book?

SteveHislop: No, didn’t even realise he was involved with a book. Weird that he’s got a book even though he’s still in the youth of his life? Just wait till you read mine when I quit!!!

Bikeaholic: Is your team going to Donnington and is anybody going to ride your bike?

SteveHislop: No. the boys are so demoralised, the bikes are parked up, and the team won’t even be there. The 250 will be there with little Stuart, but there’ll be no superbike presence.

Namtab: how many more spills before you call it a day?

SteveHislop: I ask myself the same question! Hopefully, no more spills just loads of success.

Gregmv: Do you think you have unfinished business in BSB having lost the title when it was just about in the bag?

SteveHislop: Not really. I was in a similar position in 98 with Niall Mackenzie when I broke my wrist. I just figure as long as I enjoy racing, I’ll try to continue and earn a good wage.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff