MCN’s new GSX-R video mag on sale from December 14
Watch some of the hot highlights of the latest MCN video magazine on line right now. It’s a celebration of the cult of the GSX-R.
Get a taste of it by following the links, right, and downloading some of the exciting clips in either Real Player or Quicktime.
If you need a video player, take a look in our video of the day section for instructions.
The full-length video itself features almost everything you ever wanted to know about the sporting Suzukis: the road bikes, the race bikes, the specials and the oddities…
You’ll see European stunt champion Kevin Carmichael riding backwards at 111mph, World sidecar champ Steve Webster messing about in his chair and we take over at Cadwell Park and Santa Pod to thrash some of the maddest and meanest Gixxers.
The magazine costs £4.95, complete with free video and it’s in UK shops from December 14.
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