FAQ: Bike security tips - lock it or lose it

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UK bike security firm Tracker has urged motorcyclists to keep bikes locked this summer and offered top tips for new riders to make sure your bike doesn’t get stolen. 

Figures show that small bikes are as likely to be stolen than bigger machines, so even if you’ve got a 125 you need to make thieves think twice about taking your bike. 

Tracker’s MD, Bill Raynal says: “Our figures show that a bike worth £1,000 is just as likely to be on a thief’s shopping list as that prestige £10,000 motorcycle, so we urge all bikers to take steps to protect their pride and joy. We advise bike owners to make it difficult for thieves by using a range of different security options, including chains, immobilisers and markers. However, having a tracking device installed offers owners that added level of security, increasing their chances of recovering their stolen bike.”

He added: “Motorcycle owners need to get into the habit of using their security devices. It may seem like a hassle, but it only takes a minute to put the bike in the garage or park in the back garden, or use a chain and padlock.  

“These simple steps can save hours of heartache and the expense involved in replacing a stolen bike. Always keep your keys safe, take care when parking and don’t slack on security when storing the bike at home. With just a few simple steps, owners can keep their bike safe all year round.”


  • Fit a tracking device to ensure recovery if the bike is stolen
  • Always put the steering lock and chains on
  • Keep your keys with you at all times and keep them safe at home
  • If you have a garage use it!
  • Make sure your garage is fitted with strong locks
  • Mark the main areas of the motorcycle with your registration number or post code
  • Purchase a good immobiliser
  • Do not advertise your motorcycle to the world by leaving it on the drive. If you do not have a garage, cover it
  • When you park your bike in a public place, cover it and park it in a well lit area

Further reading:
How to buy a bike lock | Get the right kit

Marc Potter

By Marc Potter