Long term update: Stick or twist?
19 December 2015 by

The likes of Honda spend a lot of time refining their bikes so we as customers can get the most enjoyment out of them. Clearly I will never be able to build a bike as well as they can – but I do like...
MCN Fleet: Winter treats for my CFR800X Crossrunner
06 November 2015 by

Where the bloody hell did summer go? The clocks have gone back and I feel somewhat cheated – all those things I was going to do in the lighter evenings, and blow me, I’ve missed it! Ah well, no point...
MCN Fleet: Going coastal on mile-eating Crossrunner
30 September 2015 by

The Crossrunner has already proved itself on my all-weather 24-mile commute plus the odd evening jaunt, so I was looking forward to spending the best part of a weekend in the saddle. The plan was to...
Long term update: Crossrunner stretches legs
17 July 2015 by

The Crossrunner’s seat height is listed as 835/815mm. When the bike arrived I left the seat well alone, but at 6ft 1in a little more legroom is always welcome, just as it is on a cheap...
Long term update: Time for tinkering
12 June 2015 by

The bikes I own are all at least 18 years old (I still view my GSX-R600 SRAD as modern) so there is always something to do on them. For me, that’s motorcycling. With the Honda VFR800X Crossrunner on...
Long term update: Quickshifter can't cope with big feet
24 May 2015 by

It has felt like a very long time waiting for my 2015 long term test bike to arrive, which might have something to do with the fact I have been riding my 1991 Royal Enfield 350 Bullet each day to work...